Welcome to Little Paws Ferret Rescue
Little Paws Ferret Rescue was founded in April 2018 by a small group of volunteers who are passionate about ferrets and want to help ferrets in need.
The main rescue is located in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, covering the North East UK. Our organisation is dedicated to rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and unwanted ferrets. We aim to educate the public and potential owners, about how ferrets make fantastic pets, and how best to look after them. We provide activities aimed at informing, advising, educating and enabling people to develop their knowledge of ferrets.
Little Paws Ferret Rescue organise group walks, ferret shows, events and fundraising activities to raise the required funds to allow us to rescue and rehome.
In the past 12 months the rescue has taken in 189 ferrets and 167 have been adopted to new loving homes. All of our ferrets are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. The rescue also provides lifetime rescue backup so if the new home cannot continue to care for the ferret we will bring it back in and ensure that a wonderful new home can be found.
The rescue relies 100% on volunteers who often work long unpaid hours, travel for miles at their own expense to collect strays, attend events and for vets visits. We sit up through the night attending to sick and young ferrets to help them get better. Sometimes we get ferrets coming in that are old, sick or have behavioural problems which make them harder to rehome. The rescue is committed to caring for these waifs and strays and we rely on a network of volunteer foster homes who provide a loving home for the elderly and sick and a finishing school for those who need to learn some manners.
We do all of this work simply because we love ferrets. They are our world and we enjoy them. A ferret will bring you hours of endless joy, fun and war dancing. They make excellent companions and will give you hours of entertainment, just make sure that they don’t steal your socks!
In the last financial year, our vets bills for neutering alone exceeded £10,500. We need help from donations to continue our essential rescue work and provide ferrets with a safe haven from abuse, neglect and harm. Help us to help ferrets by giving a monthly donation by standing order. Details of how to donate are provided HERE!
Little Paws Ferret Rescue have a number of ferrets available for adoption (for more details click Adoptions). Our ferrets are neutered, microchipped and vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to do so.
How Can You Help?
Donations of small household items, animal related items for resale, tombola, car boot sale, etc...
Occasionally we have raffles etc... buy tickets to win prizes.
Donations: Paypal/LittlePawsFerretRescue and
Fundraise as you spend on Amazon Smile and www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/littlepawsferretrescue
Donate fleecy material including tops blankets, etc...
If you are crafty and have some sewing equipment then making hammocks is a great past time and we can use them or sell them to cover the overheads.
We are always in need of shavings, puppy pads, blue roll or kitchen roll, cleaning wipes, ferret biscuits, cat or ferret toys, etc...
Sharing posts for strays, ferrets needing homes, items for sale, etc...
We will be looking for volunteers to help with the day to day tasks and ferret play times.
In the future we may also need foster homes for those needing a little more one to one.
Transport runs to collect or deliver both ferrets and donations.
Little Paws Ferret Rescue Monthly Walk - Details to be finalised
We arrange a monthly ferret walk in various locations around the North East. Check out our Facebook page for details.
The walks are free. Members of North East Ferret Community meet for a social walk with ferrets to enjoy the great outdoors, promote ferrets as pets and meet new friends. We try and organise the walks where there are public amenities such as toilets and a place to get tea/coffee and sometimes cake!!
Everyone welcome, just come along with your ferret(s) and join in.
Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO