Donate to the rescue
There are thousands of abandoned and unwanted ferrets picked up by rescues in the UK every year.
Every penny you donate makes a difference.
Help us to rescue abandoned and unwanted ferrets.
Little Paws Ferret Rescue is a registered charity and we are registered with PayPal Giving. This means that 100% of your donation will come to the charity. You can also add 25p of Gift Aid to each £1 you donate to PayPal Giving Fund from your PayPal account by adding a Gift Aid declaration. To donate or register for Gift Aid please click the buttons below.
You can donate direct to the bank account as a one off or, even better, set up a regular standing order:
Lloyds Bank - Little Paws Ferret Rescue
Sort Code - 30-99-50
Account - 64114263

Please help support Little Paws Ferret Rescue by shopping online.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Little Paws Ferret Rescue every time, it’s that easy!
Find out more:
Donation and Sponsorship Policy
Donations and gifts may be in the form of cash, goods or services. They may be given with or without conditions. Donation means a contribution that voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation or benefit flowing from the giver to the receiver. Generally, donations are irrevocable, and, beyond a possible designation of use, the donor does not impose contractual requirements or subsequent reports as a condition of the donation. The term donation in this policy includes sponsorship and gifts.
The Charity value and record all contributions from donors and sponsors. The charities accounting procedures clearly identify receipt of all donations. We also differentiate between donations, discounted purchases and gifts given with conditions.
Donations, gifts or sponsorship may be declined where they are given with conditions that are incompatible with: the objects of the Charity; genuine principles of donation without obligation; or because of the source or conditions of the donation might bring the Charity in to disrepute.
Fundraiser Disclaimer
If you plan to fundraise in support of Little Paws Ferret Rescue please make sure you are safe and legal. Please read and follow the following guidelines:
Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO’s charity number is 1182331 – please display this number on any fundraising materials created.
In any publicity for your fundraising activities or events, please ensure the following is clearly stated: “This fundraising event/activity is organised by [your name] who will be donating the proceeds of the event/activity (after costs incurred in running the event/activity) to Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO. Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO has no responsibility for any liability which may arise from this event/activity”.
Any fundraising materials you may use must not suggest that you represent Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO, only that you are fundraising in support of us. Anyone involved in fundraising activities must not represent themselves to third parties as acting as a member of staff of the Charity. It is important to ensure contacts understand you are supporting the charity on a voluntary basis.
We don’t advise you to collect money in a public place or door to door. If you do choose to do so, you’ll need your own licence from your local authority (you should find details about this on your local authority’s website).
If children (under 16) are involved in fundraising in any way, please make sure that they have permission from their parent or guardian and are properly supervised by a responsible adult. Children should never approach strangers about fundraising.
If you are planning any type of lottery (such as a raffle, tombola or sweepstake), please be aware that there are strict rules about what you can do. You will find useful guidance on lotteries at
If you do something that threatens or damages the name or reputation of Little Paws Ferret Rescue we will ask you to stop fundraising immediately.
Please encourage eligible donors/sponsors to make gift aid declarations. This will make the most of your fundraising efforts by enabling us to recover basic rate tax on their donations.
If you have any questions in relation to Little Paws Ferret Rescue's fundraising please contact us on: .
Please remember that whilst The Charity is grateful for your support, you are responsible for organising and managing any fundraising activities or events. Therefore Little Paws Ferret Rescue CIO cannot accept responsibility for any liability arising from any such activity or event. It is important that you take out adequate insurance to cover your liability and you should seek advice from this from a qualified adviser.